Tuesday, October 10, 2006

T-Minus One Week

The countdown has begun. Preparations have been made for the past months, things have been bought, sold, and moved. All that remains is the actual follow through. And that will happen in exactly one weeks time.

It seems almost surreal now that I think about it. I don't imagine the true excitement will take hold until I actually step onto the train heading down to New York. Up until now it has been maps and history books. On October 18th it will be something else entirely. It will become part of waking life. Sometimes the anticipation of something is greater than the thing itself. However I think this situation is an exception. In fact, all travelling is an exception. No amount of anticipation can compare to actually standing under the Sistine Chapel, or staring at the timeless granite of Stonehenge. That is I think the greatest part of seeing and experiencing new things. It awakens pieces of you that have been asleep for so long they had been given up for dead. But when they breathe back to life, every other part of you gets drenched in the spillover, and instead of just one part of you waking up, everything is new again.


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