Saturday, October 28, 2006

Notice from London

Hello All,

There is a reason I haven't been keeping up on this thing. Well, several reasons. First is because I'm out most of the time instead of in front of a computer. That would seem to be a pretty good reason. But more than that even at these internet cafe's, most of them don't allow you to put pictures up, because of virus junk or whatever. I don't really know, but I've asked at 3 places and they all said the same thing. And finally, they are just highway robbery, I'd rather eat dinner than go to a internet cafe. In any case, I will be updating it, just a little later from my friends place in Denmark. If Fred you are reading this (and I hope you are), I will be raiding your computer. Don't worry it's a perfect excuse, then you have no reason not to study.

Just a quick update for now tho, without the pictures. Dublin - fun, small, unbelievably beautiful people (honestly I think Fashion magazines should set up their headquarters there), but the people themselves...not so friendly. Or at least that was my experience. Ironically the best part about Dublin is a park, St Stephen's Green. You must be wondering how a park can trump all the old historical sites and authentic Irish pubs. Well, it just does. It is immaculately kept and the greens there are native only to Ireland, I have never seen those shades before, even in Photoshop.

London is very cool as well, but mind bogglingly expensive. A warning for any Canadians planning on coming here, budget however much you want, but when you think you have your number, double it. Then double that. It is insanity! 1 day on the metro costs around 12 Canadian dollars. And a cheap dinner? Perhaps 15 or 16 Canadian dollars. Maybe the best way to do it is bring a fishing rod and catch your dinner in the Thames. If I could fish, I would do that.

But other than that, it is an amazing city. So much history here, on every corner there is some statue or monument to a war or hero that lived before Canada was even inhabited. Ok, maybe not that old, but pretty darn old. Most of the time I walked around here, cause then you get to really see the city, but my legs are crying for me to stop abusing them like that. Oh well, they'll just have to deal with it. But ironically, my favorite part of London has the same name as my favorite part of New York : Soho. Strange, but true. I like the New York one better tho (yes stop smiling Navin), this one is amazing too, just very very crowded.

And of course, no visit to London would be complete without...rain. And more rain. I has rained a little bit every day I've been here. How these natives don't get so depressed they make psychiatrists' wallets dwarf Bill Gate's, I don't know. But somehow they manage. Very gloomy, although one day I did get quite a bit of sun, so I took most of my pictures then.

Alrite everyone, I may try and do another update from somewhere in Italy, but don't count on pictures. But who knows, maybe they are nicer down there. If not, hope you all are well and enjoying your respective countries. If I don't get a chance to write, I will be back in about a month's time from Denmark. Take care everyone.


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